Several atolls experience severe flooding following swell waves


Several southern atolls in the Maldives are experiencing heavy floods due to swell wave surges in various islands.

According to locals from various islands, a swell of waves has surged from their coastal areas.

Residents of Addu City have reported house flooding and swell waves that damaged an AFCONs bridge being built in Addu City Hankede.

While other islands such as Laamu Atoll Maavah, Gaafu Dhaalhu Atoll Madaveli, Hoadedhoo and Fiyoree have also reported swelling wave incidences.

Several island councillors from Hoadhedhoo and Madaveli told Maldives Voice, locals have been dispatched across the islands to help local residents of the island.

MP Saeed of Maavah also tweeted about the swelling in his constituency.  In his tweet, he stated that this year the swelling is worst compare to other years.

No casualties have been reported thus far from these floods these swelling waves.